Meela Jayadev see welcoming Dr Patti Hill_Lions Intl President to the seminar
Meela Jayadev see welcoming Dr Patti Hill_Lions Intl President to the seminar


On the eve of World Cancer Day, a collaborative effort by FTCCI, Lions Clubs, and TAAPMA brought together experts, medical professionals, and activists in a seminar with the theme “Let’s Conquer Cancer.” The event shed light on the pressing need for a national cancer registry in India, addressing the alarming rise in cancer cases and the challenges in detection and treatment.

audience at the seminar on let us conquer cancer organised by FTCCI_Lions Clubs and TAAPMA

The chief guest, Dr. Patti Hill, International President of Lions Clubs Intl, emphasized the importance of collective action. Dr. Kalyan Polaravarapu, a Surgical Oncologist, highlighted the unmet need for a comprehensive cancer registry in India.


He revealed that the reported 19 to 20 lakh cancer cases in the country last year may just be the tip of the iceberg, with the actual incidence being 1.5 to 3 times higher due to the absence of a national registry.

Dr. Polaravarapu also underscored India’s poor cancer detection rate of 29%, stressing the urgency to address this issue. He identified the five most common cancers in India, urging the audience to consult doctors at early stages for effective treatment.

Dr. Patti Hill discussed Lions Clubs’ commitment to cancer-related activities, showcasing the impact of 299 initiatives on approximately 72,000 people. She emphasized the critical role of early diagnosis and access to treatment in saving lives.

Lion Dr Patti Hill_Meela Jayadev_Babu Rao_R Sunil Kumar at the seminar
Lion Dr Patti Hill_Meela Jayadev_Babu Rao_R Sunil Kumar at the seminar

The seminar featured insights from Dr. Pavan Kumar B, Dr. Harish NL, and Dr. Pranneth, who focused on different aspects of palliative care, aiming to provide a dignified life in the end stages of cancer. Leaders from FTCCI and TAAPMA, including Mr. Meela Jayadev and A. Dayakar, shared their perspectives on the occasion.

Lion Babu Rao, International Director of Lions Intl, highlighted the organization’s long standing commitment to cancer awareness. The event served as a rallying cry for collective efforts against cancer, encouraging a united front to combat this formidable adversary.

-Sameera Rao
Bharati Cement