XIAOMI India grandly launched the New winner Smart Phone from Redmi K50i 5G in to Hyderabad Market. Soma Nagaraju, Managing Director, Suhaas Nallacheru, Director Strategy & Planning of Cellbay along with Shivendar Singh, Zonal Manager- Xioami. Anwar, State Head- Xiaomi today unveiled the Redmi K50i 5G at The Forum Suzana Mall, KPHB, Hyderabad
On this occasion, Nagaraju said that, Cellbay always provides new products and services through Cellbay multi-brand retail mobile Showrooms. He said, as a process of it, he has launched the Redmi K 50i smartphone and made it available in all Cellbay showrooms. He also said that RedMi K50i 5G Smartphone supports 5G Network , it has Mediatek Density 8100 Process, has 6.6Inch Screen size and 64MP Triple camera. Suhaas Nallacheru added that, Redmi K 50i is available in two variants that is 6+128 and 8+256 GB at Rs.25999/- and Rs.28999/- respectively. This is is available in very attractive colors, Quick Silver, Fantom Blue and stealth Black.
Shivendar Singh, Zonal Manager-Xioami. Mr Anwar, State Head- Xiaomi, Shivakrishna, Marketing Manager-Xiaomi and Srinivas Nallacheru , MD- Annapoorna agencies have graced the occasion.
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