Freedom Healthy Cooking Oil has unveiled its latest consumer awareness campaign, ‘Are You Buying Right?’ This initiative extends the ‘Dhyaan-Se-Lijiye’ campaign,

aiming to inform consumers about the importance of verifying the net quantity of edible oil in 1-litre pouches at the time of purchase.

According to guidelines from the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Government of India, every 1-litre pouch of sunflower oil should contain 910 grams of oil.


However, some brands sell packs that appear to be 1 litre but actually contain less oil, typically between 850-870 grams. This discrepancy can lead to consumers unknowingly paying more for less product.

The ‘Are You Buying Right?’ campaign encourages consumers to be vigilant and check the quantity of edible oil listed on the packaging.

The initiative emphasizes the importance of not being misled by look-alike packs that may contain less oil.

By simply turning the pack to verify the quantity, consumers can ensure they are receiving the correct amount of oil for the price they pay, protecting themselves from deceptive practices.

Freedom Healthy Cooking Oil guarantees that each 1-litre pouch of its refined sunflower oil contains the specified 910 grams of oil.

This commitment to transparency is central to the new campaign, reinforcing the brand’s dedication to consumer trust and satisfaction.

Mr. P Chandra Shekhara Reddy, Senior Vice-President of Sales & Marketing at Gemini Edibles & Fats India Ltd,

spoke passionately about the campaign. “Our campaign ‘Are You Buying Right?’ demonstrates our dedication to consumer empowerment.

We aim to educate consumers about their rights and ensure they understand what they’re purchasing. It’s crucial for consumers to check the quantity of edible oil in the pouch before buying any brand of sunflower oil to protect themselves from being deceived.

At Freedom Healthy Cooking Oils, we guarantee that each 1-litre pouch contains 910 grams of oil. We urge consumers to check the quantity before making a purchase—always buy right.”

The campaign’s core message is straightforward yet vital: consumers should always verify the quantity of oil in the pouch to ensure they are not overpaying for less product.

By promoting this simple check, Freedom Healthy Cooking Oil hopes to foster a more informed and vigilant consumer base.

The ‘Are You Buying Right?’ campaign will be rolled out across various platforms, including social media, print, and in-store promotions.

This multi-faceted approach aims to reach a broad audience and make a significant impact on consumer behavior. Through these efforts, Freedom Healthy Cooking Oil seeks to build greater awareness and encourage responsible purchasing habits among consumers.

In summary, the ‘Are You Buying Right?’ campaign by Freedom Healthy Cooking Oil is a significant step towards promoting consumer rights and transparency in the edible oil market.

By educating consumers on the importance of checking the net quantity of oil in each pack, the campaign aspires to protect them from unfair practices and ensure they get the full value for their money.

Bharati Cement


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