KIMS Cuddles Doctors Save Chhattisgarh Boy After Airborne Rescue Mission
KIMS Cuddles Doctors Save Chhattisgarh Boy After Airborne Rescue Mission

In an extraordinary display of medical expertise and rapid response, doctors from KIMS Cuddles in Hyderabad successfully saved the life of a 12-year-old boy from Raipur, Chhattisgarh, suffering from a severe brain condition. The rescue operation, which included an airlift to Hyderabad, highlights the hospital’s advanced capabilities and commitment to providing life-saving care, even in the most challenging circumstances.

A Desperate Situation in Raipur

The young boy’s ordeal began in Raipur, where he was admitted to a local hospital with a high fever and seizures. Despite initial treatment, his condition rapidly deteriorated. He began to experience escalating brain pressure, severe seizures, and eventually, the inability to recognize his own parents—a heartbreaking development that underscored the gravity of his condition. The local medical team, recognizing the need for more advanced care, reached out to KIMS Cuddles, a leading pediatric hospital in Hyderabad known for handling complex pediatric cases.

The Critical Airborne Rescue Mission

Dr. Parag Dekate, Clinical Director of Pediatrics and Head of the Pediatric ICU at KIMS Cuddles, spearheaded the rescue mission. Upon receiving the call from Raipur, Dr. Dekate and his team, including Pediatric ICU Consultant Dr. Tarun, immediately prepared for an airborne medical intervention. When they arrived in Raipur, they found the boy in critical condition—his seizures were worsening, his blood pressure was dangerously low, and he was struggling to breathe. The team quickly intubated him to stabilize his breathing and administered medication to control the brain pressure and seizures.


The decision was made to airlift the boy to KIMS Cuddles in Hyderabad, a complex operation that required meticulous coordination and real-time medical intervention during the flight. The boy was monitored and treated continuously by the medical team throughout the journey, ensuring his condition remained stable enough for the transfer.

Intensive Care and Recovery at KIMS Cuddles

Upon arrival in Hyderabad, the boy was admitted to the Pediatric ICU at KIMS Cuddles, where he remained for nine days. His condition was far from stable; he continued to experience spikes in brain pressure and additional seizures. However, the dedicated team of specialists, including Pediatric Neurologists Dr. Prabhjot and Dr. Jayanth Krishna, Pediatric Gastroenterologist Dr. Pandu, Pediatric Nephrologist Dr. Mounika, and Infectious Diseases Specialist Dr. Pratik Y Patil, worked tirelessly to manage these complications.

The boy’s diagnosis of Rickettsial infection, which had led to a rare brain condition called MERS (Mild Encephalitis/Encephalopathy with a Reversible Splenial lesion), presented unique challenges. Additionally, he developed issues with his liver and kidneys, which the multidisciplinary team at KIMS Cuddles successfully treated. By the fourth day of his stay, the boy was removed from the ventilator, and by the ninth day, he had fully recovered and was discharged—an outcome that seemed almost impossible just days earlier.

KIMS Cuddles: A Beacon of Hope

This case is a testament to KIMS Cuddles’ ability to provide critical care under the most challenging conditions. As Dr. Dekate noted, “Air ambulances can be expensive, but nothing is more valuable than life. It is crucial to transfer patients to centers with the necessary facilities for timely and effective treatment.” He emphasized that this was not the first time KIMS Cuddles had successfully managed a complex airborne rescue mission, citing a previous case involving a baby who required ECMO support during transit.

Dr. Avinash and Dr. Kalyan, Pediatric Intensivists at KIMS Cuddles, echoed this sentiment, underscoring the hospital’s readiness to handle critical cases from across the country, particularly those from regions where advanced medical facilities may be lacking.

In conclusion, KIMS Cuddles’ successful rescue and treatment of the young boy from Chhattisgarh exemplify the hospital’s commitment to providing cutting-edge care. The collaborative efforts of a skilled multidisciplinary team, combined with the hospital’s advanced medical infrastructure, ensured a life was saved against all odds. This case serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of specialized pediatric care and the life-saving difference it can make.

Bharati Cement


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