Kerala’s Responsible Tourism project wins Global Vision award || Hybiz tv


The famed Responsible Tourism (RT) project fetched Kerala Tourism the Global Vision award 2022 instituted by US-based, earning the state a fresh boost to its efforts to make travel a tool for the long-term development of villages.The New York-headquartered website gives away the honor to individuals, companies, organizations, and tourist centers that implement tourism and transportation projects that are experiential, sustainable, and environment-friendly.

A 14-member jury announced the Travel + Leisure awards totaling five, based on a scrutiny of applications from across the globe.The judges noted that Kerala, which implemented RT from October 2017, has been functioning on an exemplary model that enables tourism to encourage poverty eradication, women empowerment, social progress, and agriculture practices. The project ensures RT makes the place ideal to live and visit. Its beneficiaries include local artists, artisans, and farmers, the jury said.


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Bharati Cement


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