Future Indian  Army soldiers to turn into ‘super warriors’:

Future India Army soldiers to turn into ‘super warriors, Exoskeleton technology is being considered by major countries around the world for their soldiers, which will not only provide built-in advanced technology to the wearer, but will also reduce the weight of several pieces of equipment that a soldier must carry with him, such as helmets, radios, and night vision equipment.

Exoskeleton also called as?

Body armour, goggles Exoskeletons, sometimes known as Exo-suits, are dual-purpose technology devices. Soldiers use it as a harness to boost their strength, A soldier with an exoskeleton can move more quickly. And has the additional load-bearing capacity.

Defence Research and Development Organisation:

According to reports, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)’s Bioengineering and Electro-medical Laboratory (DEBEL) has been collecting data for Simulation and Analysis of Musco-skeletal Parts for some time, and the defence ministry is already spending money on upgrading wearable gear on each soldier to meet the challenges of the ever-changing combat environment. Several private sector companies are also conducting research and development on the Exo-suit design for Indian army circumstances.


DRDO On EXOSKELETON TECHNOLOGY As Super WarriorsAccording to Milind Kulshreshtha, a specialist in artificial intelligence and C4I, each soldier’s muscle micro-motion is recorded for its correlated moment on the joints, so that the Exo-suit can respond in a similar smooth manner. According to Financial Express, an Exo-suit put up on a soldier will increase the soldier’s additional load carrying capability by 100 kg for a minimum of 8 hours of operational time and 3-5 hours of battery backup for military uses. Exo-suits can also assist soldiers who have been injured in combat in leading a relatively normal life.

what are exoskeletons?

Soldiers use exoskeletons or exo-suits over their regular uniforms to increase their strength. The equipment includes high-powered special technologies as well as artificial intelligence to improve a soldier’s capabilities. They can be built of hard and brittle materials like metal and carbon fibre, or soft and pliable ones like rubber.


Bharati Cement


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